this is either a second post or you stole it from someone because i've seen this on forgehub before
hay. wats up. i don't know if your any good at actual halo, but if you are i'd like you to be my partner in the 2v2 tourny
name: gull side: unsc desription:it is a big bulky flying aircraft, it has two missle pods on the side, that must be manned by two others to...
so its basically a koth game but in the sky, cool idea, i'll dl
looks cool, theres a ghost sumo map out there somwhere, but using the wraith seems better, does the game consider you in a territory even though...
i guess i do, gt stin10
thank you jpec, my thoughts exactly
why not just make it out of interlocked boxes, it would be easier
my map has only 1 geomerged double open box in the middle and i defidently didn't take it from another map
i guess i'll try out, the map i'd probaly show you would be ironhold, which is actually on forgehub, so check it out.
wow, you should be ashamed, halo 1 didn't have xbl
i really like the elongation idea, but i'm not sure if i can make the crates move
i never played counterstrike, but i'd still help. send a message, gt stin10
sweet map dude, looks insane, i'll dl for sure
why did you give me bad rep kronos, don't be such a little *****