i helped test this map. there is interlocking
territorys on blackout
im in america
actually i'm his cousin and i helped test this map
yes he did
i played on this map, and although it dosn't look great, its really fun to play. everyone should atleast try it
^ hes right
looks pretty good, but next time post in the midday, so more peps see the map
i didn't mean it like that. i was just saying other people would say that. i don't think you copied distortion
lol you actually took my map name idea. i hope you know that i meant the c to stand for conor
o i thought this was that map. sry. the next map bearcatdude will post is gonna be good trust me
i can already tell you people will say you copied distortion. but i like the look of this map.
wow, thats all i have to say
i'm confused, after the fusion coil goes in the hole, what do you have to do to score
sweet. i just downloaded GIMP but i don't know how to use it. could you make a cool logo for my team. i think our name will be the aviators so...
this one is sick. not mine
[IMG] heres mine. its an action shot, its TERMINATOR
just so everyone else knows, me and sexydude are already a team, so please no, will you join my team messages. thanks
can't tell much from photos, if its interlocked than it might be decint<==misspelled
wow that was fast. personally i don't like 1v1 because people can camp and you can't use teamwork to take them out because your all alone. so how...