wow, the pipe makes like a smoke screen. coll idea. 4/5
omg, this map looks awsome. is it meant to be played on? and how does the scarab explode
its not like i made a whole thread dedicated to my map. i offered othr people the oppurtunity to display there forgotten maps
what exactly is necro posting
then what should i do with it
all but the sniper spot looks cool. it looks like its not interlocked. in that case you should put it in the lazy mapmakers thread
do you think this is a good idea. the forgotten maps thread.
ever had a map you thought was good, but it slowly receded into the depths of the community maps pages, never to be seen again. well than this is...
not quite perfected. but looks pretty fun
awsome. i'll dl
i wouldn't care
i had an idea for a map where your upside down. i think i'll work on that
why not just use station 69. i know, weird name. either way, i'll help. gt stin10
i'll help, gt stin10
seeing how this is a gaming website. good luck finding anyone to disagree with you
are you talking about fat kid
thats based on a true story. did you want them to lie to you
very well done. my only critisism would be that you should've flipped the boxes. but still, great map
if its ascetics. than y r there weapons
i don't see anything good, or bad about this map. the idea's origonal but dosn't look all to fun. i really can't tell you how to improve your map,...