You fit the role perfect.
EDIT: Quoted the wrong post, cba to find the right one. This is something I see bettering the individual over the whole. I am of the 'all for...
Oh good, my puns can be painful. Especially the really, really bad ones. I died a little inside while typing it.
Why would I be supportive OR positive? I disagree with their means AND motive. I can say without a doubt that these proposed changes would help my...
Yeah, I agree it would be cool for change and the spirit is there, but I disagree with both the end AND the means. I don't see myself getting...
EDIT: That ^^^ will never happen, far too extreme. You have to compromise to win in this country. They fell victim to one of the funniest...
As long as they have not been posted prior to September 1st, they are acceptable.
Okay. As was stated, use the ALPHA ZOMBIE GAMETYPE that is used in matchmaking. The purpose behind this contest, while irrelevant, was to...
I hate this aspect. Better mid-range game doesn't make up for the fact that I could dominate at long range and I had a massive advantage with...
Sounds like a crazy *****.
Oh really? What a coincidence. I typed all of this by mashing my face to the keyboard as well. How *****!
Send me the videos brah, the ones, ya' know, the ones that came from, like, totally, like, a month and a half ago, for SNF broski....
Anyone else want to enact the "No fast travelling rule" with me? I swear, it ruined oblivion for me. I did a replaythrough of that recently...
JOINTHERH once more, in reverse... hrehtnoij icwatudidthar
^True dat. Its only become better in your absence.
That will now appear on your wall.... FOREVER!
Some of us enjoy a challenge.