It should, in theory, be able to absorb any non-black soul. Mine absorbs nothing at all, high to low.
Going out monday, shoul arrive within a day or two.
Speaking of one daedric prince of madness, needz moar Jyggalag. I miss the guy...
My Azura's star doesnt work. Its always empty, and wont ever trap a soul. Regardless of what it is. Of all the bugs, i get the worst.
We tired you out so much that you couldnt compete with OD. Obviously.
Down to Old Dominion, ouch...
Somehow i ended up with dual daedric daggers at level 19. One was the -spoiler- that you get from the stupid ***** in the Dark Brotherhood (if...
Yeah, i have the level 2 fire and frost shouts; they are ****ing insane, take down half a drough-overlord's health on master (or like, a tickle of...
Super psyched for tonights game! Two best schools in basketball history.
4shot, i think he meant in terms of words. In which case, he may be right.
Just want to make it clear, anything related to any questline is a spoiler. Technically, higher level monsters are too but thats not as important;...
As much as i WANT to support this, passive-aggressive behavior drives me insane. Grrrrr... Titmar, could you summarize that epic WoT that you...
Thank 'ya
Something like that.
But.... That one visual!
Whatever happened to those maps you and chris were making that were full of awesome.
I rhought i had, but it seems like im either getting filtered to spam, or i have the wrong address.
So, apparently my hawks are starting the exhibition games without our six best players. IE we are starting two sophomores, a senior whos never...