Well lets hope he doesn't let to many in or else there will be to many repeat reports on people.
Grave Yard: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/13410-grave-yard.html [IMG]
Yeah I hope the forums is cleaned of spam and clutter and that we can help the real mods find the real offenders on the map sections.
Its going good I just reported 25 spam posts:). I'm seeing alot of infractions and bad reps being given out to violaters now. :)
The armory is far to overstacked with wepons theres actualy 40 weapons in that small room! The humans will just camp there and kill the zombies...
hey camofo :)
I like it , it border lines a mini game style map but this definatly looks well thought out and created. This is very orriginal too I have not...
Hey chips whats up? :)
I never realized how many groups your in lol damn your a busy man! :)
Dark come online some time :) I haven't seen you in a while lol
Hey skittle :)
[COLOR="Purple"]I like purple :)[/COLOR]
I love that guy ! "BOB SAGEETT!
I would have to say Grand Theft Auto IV has the most people playing the single player story I still do :)
Please do not spam the threads you will be reported if you continue which may result in a ban. Please refraim from spaming.
Wow I need to customize mine now :D
Tell me when you get my first 15 reports in the PM with links and names. :)
I have my 15 how do you want me to send it to you some of my reports are in the same thread do you just want links and names?
Ok I'll gather 15 and send you links in one giant PM report when I find some posts to report.
That may happen I know if I wanted too I could PM you two or three reports now but they are older infractions do you only want recent ones?