I was woundering what he was talking about earlier. lol I guess thiss is what he was mad about :)
Let me translate....."ok listen this is rediculous,leet speek is a natual part of the internet,its a annoying to see people always typing in it?...
Well thats ok but if you add some pics of you and your friend playing it we could see how it works alittle bit better and you wouldn't need to...
Yeah your pics are fine you just need to include a more in depth description. Or some action pictures of the game while your playing it.
In your map title only include the map name and then you can tell that its from Metal Gear solid in your description. Your title should be...
ForgeHub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Halo Forge Maps This is the forge hub standards you should look at them and add to this post. You...
You look down throw the equiptment and at the same time you push the A button so you jump off the radar jammer. It gives you a nice boost. :)
how to embed pic/ForgeHub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Halo Forge Maps
Yeah I hate "l33t" speak laugh out loud! I'm not sure if people will stop using abbriviations though :/.
I love this map I have played it with larger parties on Koth with SMG starts band it was very fun. :)
Wow you are my hero little man and you are much smarter than me. :)
Yeah its the only quiet one but when It does speak it has a computer sam voice! lol
Like the creepy security cameras on "The Pit" I think it would be cool in certan game types. "Wheres the Zombie?"[Giant blue spot light gives him...
Well you can make one with three grav lifts pretty well. :)
I still will always like GTA but saints row was a good game.
Yeah its strange I wounder if it will move?
After playing this map I have to give you a round of applause great work. You pulled off a great commpetative map that looks really well forged...
I completely agree the shoots are the best part in my opinion. Tex keep up tghe good work can't wait to see you future work :) Also the aesthetics...
Chips I voted for you on the home page your map really desserves the attention. You did a great job on the map hope it gets featured:)... Happy...
You can add my gamer tag when you can its [ Eyeless Sid ] I'll see you online soon :)