Like the day Halo 3 came out? I haz idea also. Make a spaceship on Avalanche but make it 1 vs 1 playable from the inside. Put windows and...
Your not alone. My disk can't load most campain levels and it hardly ever loads Snowbound. Try cleaning your disk or rent Halo 3 to see if the...
So are you going to put the map on your fileshare? If you don't have the weapon placement done than when I get the map just tell me where to...
Youdidn't invite me. I R pissed at you now. Sad face :-(
You are not moar jewish than me. Don't lie. I am singin the Baru, Vshamru and my torah portions all at once! Drak, I am pissed at you now...
I played this map a while ago with a bunch of people from this website and I remember myself being awd by his interlocking and inginuity. I...
OK my xbox kept freezing so I couldn't do the merges for you then. I will do them soon. Just keep working on Adrenaline.
Agreed. In the links in my sig you can see the videos in my map's thread. Then you can determine for yourself if Dazzle dvc 100 is for you....
I saw you recommended this to Shishka and I can honestly say that I would not veto this. The dezign is great, and it is at the same time...
Your name is very cool but there are to many contests to host a "forge-limpics" your idea is basically the same as a competition and there are to...
Mabey they want Isolation to have a surprise because it plays horrably. You can search this on Google, or ask a modder to see the codes and find...
Why hazn't Blaze been online?
I'll help but I'm not sure what you meant by this. GT= GD BlueDevil
Oh and also, TGIF is tomorrow so everyone is going to be playing Halo 3. If we can be on before or after the party starts than we could show some...
Dad alwase says: Son think before you speak (or in this case type) He alwase sys: Son wait till your 18. Then he laughs and says JUST...
Ok, tomorrow you need to be done with High Voltage. The structures, geomerging, weapons and movable objects. Tommorrow night you will give the map...
I was to tired when you wrote that. Since your doing the weapons what do you want on the map?
Lolz did you like what I did with teh CrAnE????????? : Atlas : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Wow. My name is Matt. Thats unique too right? I wonder what his girlfriend thought. Writing his name will be a pain now too! This was funny,...