Yeh I am working on it now. I could give the map back to you Tommorow for a quick check over, test the map Friday, Saturday and Most of Sunday,...
I don't evan have the map anymore. I gave it to Picceta. He has it now. I gave it to h im like a month ago!
I know. The map I'm trying to get in MM is called Adrenaline. I will also enter it in the Forge Like a Pro Competition. Except I will change...
Is Framework really going into MM? Drakulich said it was.
When I post and look to see how many posts I have, it doesn't show up! Is there a reason why?
It would be smart of Bungie to make aa recon demo and let the game get popular. But they are Bungie and game companies will be game companies so...
Guys don't jump to conclusions. You guys spam up a thread on what you THINK is going to happen. Play the damn map. Its awsome. And it is...
Change of plans. I am kind of being inconsistant with the scout dezign and I apologize. Can I have the dezign back? You can put it on your...
Bungie clearly stated that there will be forge in Halo 3 Recon. It is a campain extention but it will contain multiplayer maps. I predict that...
It has it's ups and downs. Recon is supposed to be a reward. But it turned into a prize. Bungie will no longer have anything to reward to the...
Message me when you put it on your fileshare. And PLEASE don't forget to add it upload it to your fileshare tonight. This map will be featured so...
I am glad he is president. There will be little to no racism in Amercica. One problem though. HE CAN"T LIVE IN THE WHITE HOUSE! Lol JK
Diserved. Now-a-days Wiki is useless because half the time it is not trustworthy. Search it on google guys. Don't worry about wikipedia.
I R jew but I want: Girls Gone Wild Vid Labtop Baseball bat thats longer than the one I have (thats what she said) COD5 Gears of War2 Epic LOL
6:00 Lolz
OK, merging with the back bases I extremely difficult and you have to rely 95% on luck. I would change your layout plans for the back because its...
U R not say that I was building it. ANYWAYS, ADRENALINE IS BEING MADE BY ME, MYSELF, AND I!
Sure but not to late tonight. Like around 6:00 OK? Thats not really night but I am busy this week and I want to do some work tonight.
I see your back online and I need an answer.
To Driscoll (below) THATS WHAT SHE SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!