Wait a minute... Did you say "see you in 2 weeks" for another TGIF? I thought TGIF was hosted every other week.
Quite good... I slowly came to like the first Sig you made for me as for the other one seemed a little to dark or red. (No offense) I still kinda...
He decided to do Xforgery things instead. *Cries*
I see what you did there... Editing my post in the Hub Pub about the site being down. Don't think I don't know about it. I have minor powers too...
Don't forget too add me on the list... I'm so happy I pre-ordered Halo Wars Limited Edition. lol. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 COMMANDERMATT1
Then get it! lol. I'm just kidding. I'll have to talk to you later about this; I have to get off for the night.
Uh, I don't know... It's just a tad bit to dark and if the girl was more to the right. I'm not sure. I wish it was a little more like my wallpaper...
*Cries* You must not leave me! I don't want another person leaving!
Ugh... I'm sure you'll be back on Yavi's account.
Oh, I like... Now I'm having a hard choice on which Sig I will use. lol. The lighter version or the darker version? Hmm.
[IMG] [IMG] This might help you make my Sig look awesome. Right now this is my current wallpaper and I really like it. I hope I'm not bothering...
No U!
I'll be glad to take that code off your hands... I'm in...
[IMG] I think I like the young couple idea more now that I think about it. The picture I gave as a reference of the group of friends is not a...
Uh, I like it but I think something about it needs to be changed just I don't know what. I like the background just maybe if you added group...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/58302-how-do-you-emmbed-pictures.html. Please lock this thread as the question has been answered....
You have no reason to be mad at him he is simply telling you that this map post is not up to Forge Hub Standards. Another thing: your post to...
Sure, I guess... What's it about? I'm not really all that into the fighting type of Anime.
I like it... Although, I just started watching it it's pretty good so far. I'm on the 6th episode of the season.