Nice... I'm just lazy and when I get home from school I have other things to do before I can start watching Chobits or any other Anime.
Oh... If you don't want to get an Infraction then let me review your post and make sure it's not 'spam'. I don't mind as long as I can help.
I'm on episode 22 and there is a total of 27 episodes. I'm just lazy...
Well... Well, I saw all three seasons of the show! But, then again I would have never watched it if it wasn't for you to recommended it to me. Go you!
Your in Japan? I swear if you're actually in Japan, I'm going to come to Hawaii and stab you in the neck. I want to go to Japan for school really...
Oh yeah! That was a great episode. It's funny how they were raging an indirect war. Trying to see who would crack first. Itadakimasu! I'm telling...
lol... I remember watching that episode!
Ugh... Screw this man... I'm done trying to stop the fighting between you two. I used to be confident that you two could compromise but I guess I...
When will this happen? It sounds pretty fun to join in while I'm bored.
lol... See, I knew you could get the idea of it. But, Sumomo is just awesome and I wish I could have one because they're so great.
Please don't... I'm getting online in a second.
lol... Well, you kinda get the idea. *Facepalm*
Now... Now... I was smart enough to not declare war and look at me now. Everything is going good and me and the rest of the clan are friends even...
Eh... I like the name Sumomo better, It makes her sound small and cute. lol. I don't know.
Yeah... I was just a little confused when I saw it. lol. Sumomo is so awesome, If I could have a persocon I would want it the size of Sumomo....
Holy crap, Your back? By the way, I talked to sarge and things seem to be going well. Compromise...
Well aren't you a downer... It's gun B K.
Oh... Dun worry gai its gun B K...