Re: Letonic - Foundry (Made by Tritive) Lol, as soon as he posted this I told him everything in the IRC. Including the power of the shotty. But...
obvious not southpark was obviously not southpark. And wrong. Macs ftl.
I liked the bit with the street fighter fight. The plasma was a perfect hadoken.(sp)
11 single boxes by 13 single boxes. Foundry's center of that space is the 6th single by the 7th single box, on top of 1.5 boxes.
Re: Template for Posting Maps Required Reading. People shouldn't have an excuse for posting a map poorly. I'm not saying that everybody should...
A removable gauss turret would be 100% IMPOSSIBLE to beat. 100% accuracy, 2 shot kill, fast fire rate. Owned. I still thing there needs to be...
IMO DOTF needs some thing more... Like another equipment, or something, like a power drain or a regen.
There is a thread with the exact same name on this same page. /THREAD
You do know that not many big games from 2008 have been released yet, right? So this is just speculative, based on maybe some screens or...
A different idea might be to have the receiver(s) blocked with a box, then spawn a grav lift to push the blockage off at a certain time. This...
That's... Kindov like the spike rifle I proposed, just with tweaked details. A 5 shot sticky clip seemslike too much to me though...
My weapon is way powerful, but I think I balanced it correctly. Also, I removed that bit in the middle.
When someone mentioned a brute sniper rifle, the first thing I thought of was a sniper that shoots Spike grenades. Probably single shot, as it...
wtf shon conniry wuz teh bestist!!!one[/youtube] But seriously, I laughed for the entire time there was text on the screen.
k. k. Go Into forge. Find the firebomb grenades in the items list. Tell me what tab they are under.
I told you what to do to make me want to play it. I gave my reasons for not downloading, and if you address them and my other question, I might DL.
The name is of less importance to me than the fact that a wall in foundry has been done several times, and that you seem to have every piece of...
Bioshock = FPS + RPG elements Mass Effect = RPG + partial nudity + disgusting array and customizability of weapons. It's ridiculous. So, do you...
What are you doing staring at a spartan's crotch? In all seriousness, if you want different legs, be an elite. Nothing satisfies these people......
I liked teh turrets... But srsly, firebomb grenade. Hands down. You don't even need to aim, just point in the general direction.