Woo-hoo... But does this really belong in customer service? I mean, if you wanted to share this interesting forge topic and discuss it's uses, It...
Ok, I'm pretty sure that this is going to become a flame thread soon, so I humbly invoke the dancing lock. [IMG] @ zak armada: If you want to be...
mini game #2: [img] Done. But a lot of these have already been done, a flyable pelican is impossible, and develop the ideas before you post them...
Ha, me and my friend were trying to lower weapons, and I got debug. I was on the top screen though, so it was way annoying, so I just rebooted the...
XD I don't think that Containment deserves to be remade, coag has been 'reimagined' by Valhalla, and sidewinder is uber winsauce. I bet my...
Well, thanks for putting words into my mouth, everyone. I don't use weapon holders. At all. (cept for blocking). What I do step by step is this:...
Hmm Yeah, it really doesn't matter. Anyone can see. It doesn't really matter Doesn't really matter to T... But keep in mind the masons were...
It's not containment. Old podcasts I believe lend to the notion that Sidewinder is a favourite in bungie. Although containment would be cool,...
I usually turn a double box on it's side, so I can see the boundries, then blend the black lines on the ends of the boxes to hit a certain...
IMO that map is way flawed. The walls aren't even parallel to one another, and I'm relatively certain they are in the game. Just because that...
I disagree. If you put too many rules, creativity will be stymied, not bred. By associating with a theme, you let people do literally anything...
I think that the FH contest should just be a theme, because that gives people a lot more creativity and freedom to tweak elements such as gameplay...
Shotty room on lockout FTW When I play a few more halo:ce maps, I'll get back to you.
Well, you don't make it a start weapon, and then limit the amount of snipers, no respawn, no clips. Then EACH SHOT MUST COUNT. Also, disable...
Highground? Pardon me for saying, but are you high? This sounds like it would work well on SANDTRAP! Give the assassins ghosts, but they would...
Re: Pit Brawl This looks really nice, and it looks like Furious' idea came out exactly like planned. I wanna check out how it plays, but you get...
No. They wouldn't. Halo is an M rated game, known for it's blood, gore, and violence. Legos are supposed to be associated with fun, family values,...
Automatic shotgun ----> Mauler. But srsly. Halo isn't supposed to be about gun recognition. Each gun is supposed to play differently, by design,...
I know of a hiding spot on Construct not accessible by normal means, but you but stuff up there and nobody knows what is going on. K, you know...
Psh, whatever. Link to Wikiproof. I WIN. RYU WINS. HADOUKEN!