Tanques ftw. Also, hornet. But srsly, scorpion > all.
Banshee is by far the easiest to do. I do it all the time with a banshee. You just carefully blow the winds off and roll your way in. I don't...
I'ma side with Nemi on this one. This doesn't look innovative, or even to-scale. Looks like something I could make in about 3 seconds, no offense....
Critical failure! That is saving and quitting. Also, lose. Read the 101s next time, kthx.
it requires no skills/teamwork, not MK360.
Yeah, I tried to mario kart with mongooses, but the non-deployable equipment killed it like a blind rodent. Still OK if you get knocked off, though.
Wow, that is quite spiffy indeed. Simpler, but more expensive than a capture card, but if your going for a new MP3 player, why not? I'll keep this...
The website forum seems to be completely content free. Did I miss something? There is just kindova vague-ish thread devoted to switching. And...
IMO curvy planes are hard to forge. Those both look like they would be painful to build, but I've seen Biggles do some amazing stuff, so somebody...
Assault is good if it needs tactics to win. Out-thinking your opponent with strategery is really exciting IMO. The inky Juggernaut I play is 2...
Nice CE, I think it looks really good. I especially like the twisting on the A signs on the tail. It looks really good that way.
He means team battles. 2v2, in a similar style to the 1v1 would be fun. Maybe a few objective games :D.
Why would you want a powerup that wouldn't be able to be picked up, except for base indicators? Or is that what you had in mind?
and there might also be a giant Mario statue. They have the same probability.
Re: Faction (*Updated Pit Brawl*) You aren't the only one to think of it. I have it in a map in my fileshare which I made before I found FH....
Seriously? I thought you had abandoned this wild goose chase. To reaffirm my stance, a hornet on Halo is like a maximum on the graph y=x^2.
In your opinion. But I would actually rather have the return of TGIF than another contest.
Ahaha, a war fish. Could we get some interior shots? Very Original, btw.
That makes approximately... 14 choices. Not enough creativity. We need just a broad word, then make something which we think of, and judge its...
Are you seriously? The missiles have been removed for balance. Have you ever been on the ground, just you vs a hornet? You get owned. Even in like...