Because he responds to every comment lol.
You guys are good and you have a sick emblem lol Another bot
yeah It was fun... and no dont steal ma 360! Alright so I borrowed Gears 1 from my friend cuz he was about to beat it on casual so I was like...
It gives you a good idea on how good people are though... I know rank gives you a quick assumption but a lot of the time that assumption is...
I'm loving Driscoll's, PlugIn's, Reyn's, and TD's. Try to get an image rotator for them cuz they are all pretty sick
I didn't know where to put it lol... I was like uh whatever you say
Please check out similar threads before posting an almost clone
Late intro...? Anyways I've seen you around your pretty cool from what I can tell... But yeah welcome and awesome intro.... Glad to see you put...
No. Gawd I can only be on for thirty minutes and Im using those thirty minutes to be w/ u
do it for me... pl0x
Stop Motion animation.... Hey tomorrow at school make a vid with you and sean and smurfy and be like ohai and then put it on youtube
lol.... Dun wory.... I am makin a SMA video and I'm thinkin of doing a party video
ya pretty much =]
well its like an historical fiction so I borrowed your name
okay so I have to write a First person perspective story on the Boston Tea Party and so I wanted to be unique and write one from the British point...
i know... but dun do suicide... cuz then I cant play with you on teh sehxbox
lol nub... Why does your status say Suicidal Attempt 3 =o Trust me I've tried it a hundred times and the only thing that comes out...
well the test should be like thirty minutes right? cuz if so I will be able to be the whole time