no problem duude
K I'll give it a shot tomorrow... I am not the best at stock sigs but I can render and stuff like that so I'll play around
the image you used to slap your text and sparkle brush on
i could but I am not going to be home til tomorrow... just give me the stock and I'll work with it
yeah for sure \o I don't know if you were a member back then but God of Grunge (when he first joined) and I got in a fight/flame war with a guy...
Rise Against is as beast as **** but your sig totally kills their hardcore-ness
I guess so
Its sweett to know someone is like that out there
no cuz I have uber epic ideas... I don't plan on winning the contest, just beating your map
dude I suck at all interlockz maps... Last night I was just playin around on my first map ever so I got some ideas and started constructing it...
Wow that isn't the weirdest thing I have ever heard
oh i see... soo are you going to do the LMC
Dude, quit talking about this crap. You shouldn't like a for her looks. The most important thing is her heart. If you don't like that, then...
high off knowledge? lol
Are you high right now??
you should do the LMC so my map can beat yours
idk... why so strange???
are you doing the LMC