dude I srsly you.... half the day has passed and how many rocket race games have we played? ZERO!
debo you are hilarious
your idiocy has made it to my sig
The 30gb iPod Video... Its well loved and in need of a new one but it still works... I am considering getting a Touch sometime soon...
Zune sucks i-pod is better Jaykay... I don't have a Zune but it has a social feature? I would have looked into this more before buying my iPod...
hey I know we got off to a "rough" start and all but I wanted to apologize and what not... So yeah sorry...
alright sick... when will it be ready to apply?
In the review hub, do former members have to re-apply?
Paulie you are amazing... especially your accent lol
hey I love you
haha Im seein Shinedown, Atreyu, Jack's Mannequin, Ludo, 3OH!3, Anberlin and many more tomorrow!!!
hey chrst, I read your convo with kb and i know I need to be more active in the guild. I kinda have ditched Halo lately but I am gonna start...
well like the second you posted that we pwned some kid called Slayer of Emos and he was all like "I hate emos." and kidbomber and I were all like...
hey RR is in the Double EXp... you and sean up for a match against me and kidbomber
Well it can either turn out incredible, or suck terribly. But with two of the best forgers out there, I'm sure it'll be amazing
Draw the line, end of the line same difference lol. I remember that was one of the first "masterpieces" I ever saw. But man I cannot wait til...
Wow you+lights? Win. I remember the first map I saw of yours was.... oh gawsh it was like the one with the train... I think it was called Draw...
Happy birthday dude... May all your maps be as amazing as Gridlocked
XDDDDDDDDDDd I am getting home today and we play ALL WEEKEND!!!!!!!!! I am getting my lightswitch in that playlist