Hmmm i have quite a few... A lot of Star Wars games get obnoxious. They are fun and enjoyable at first then get ridiculously hard. I also hate...
Hmmm... Flash. Who doesn't wanna be a lightning fast guy with large muscles?
*shuns* Why? Have you not gotten sick of the suck of the past two?
Oh Lord... Not again.... I lost interest mid second one/beginning of third one. They really should give this "series" up unless this one is amazing.
Congrats on Premiu- wait did I say that to soon?
Hey just a friendly notification, your sig exceeds Forge Hub standars. Remove probably two of those sigs or move two of the to a spoiler. read his number four. Told ya so!
rofl at domi
Yes it shall, King Midas. Everything you snipe turns into gold
Wow dude glad to see you finally posted this. After attending two? tests, I think this map has been completed. I am glad you took some of my...
Definitely get a lot of "wow" moments as well as "Wtf?!?!" moments cuz that would be a make a good montage... I don't think I have ever gotten a...
Thats not good... I remember your "trailer" or w/e had that immense scene on Isolation. After I saw that,..... well I don't know what I did. I...
What do you mean if your both lucky? Dun tell me you think your gonna lose! Or is it if he is "worthy" enough to be owned by you
lol dun wory gun b k...
you have to make a video of you owning him. Rofl just to think he thinks he's good...
Erm been through probably two minutes of it and it already makes me wanna kill myself. You sir, are completely hilarious
He was easy just a looong battle. Twilight Princess was too easy. I beat it almost too quickly. I wish it was a little more like Wind Waker....
remedy is quite impressive. Excellent work
I know! In the Twilight Princess, I thought he would NEVER die! I spent like thirty minutes him... It was ridiculous but strangely...