ah huh............. And thanks for the compliment =]
yuppp first one to find out lol
It was like a glitch thing but thank goodness Grif fixed it
yeah I think someone changed it on accident... it was fine earlier... Can you take the "that" away?
lol Frag
for real?!? thanks! My new GT is Kn1ghtBoy so just add me and we can test
yeah I asked you then it got changed... Sorry for any inconveniences
k well I have requested a name change with all staff members and still haven't recieved it... I was wondering if you could do it? If you can...
Why no name change??? /sadfaic
Well I've asked all the other staff with no response soo I'll ask you. Can I have my name changed to Kn1ghtBoy?
Can I haz name change to Kn1ghtBoy???
May I request a name change to Kn1ghtBoy?
So I go on today and I see that you can FINALLY get your Rock Band 2 bonus tracks! I was really happy so I went to check my email for my code (I...
haha my review still is MUUUUCH bigger than yours
inorite??? I can't wait to see it...
oh no! =[ I may be getting L4D today depending if my blockbuster is gay or not
Debo was in the PPC and was all liek "O em Gee! Felipe is in alpha testing on his next map." So I was like sweet now he's gonna get premium
I saw this the other day and it looks soo cool. As soon as I get the game back from my friend, I am gonna find that. That is probably one of the...
qft. Anyways, I think the gore really is what makes it amazing. Another thing that makes it good is that its not one of those shooters where...