at your faic!!
Customs and a full team in Matchmaking. I only forge when I am very bored. As of the moment, however, Halo fails.
ooh make me one... and btw, where is mah duct tape sig!?!?!?!?!? sasdfaic
FireFox 919 Just checked his profile in FHX ;]
ah man.... Save the video and send it to me when you do do it
so what time are you ownin that kid?
what is he doin????
happy birthday duuude! Enjoy it and party hard man
lol friggen nub.... that made me lol though... my brother was like why does kidbomber look up that stuff! and I was like GTFO!
Man sorry to hear about that... Be sure to tell us how your life in China is because I've always wanted to go their and experience their culture.
Wow great tutorial... I might use this in the future! Thanks a ton man.
Because numbers can be more accurate. If you say B+, what the hell is that supposed to mean? But a 36.7/50 with explained reasons is easier, more...
Dun wory I still love you
Security Head Katana Body Scout Shoulders Too bad recently I lost my Katana/Security because I got one of the Vid Masters... =[
Well obviously everyone here has a 360 so I don't think anyone will need to know if they have a new one... Interesting, however. I know the 360...
Hello guy! Welcome to ForgeHub! Glad to see you finally stepped it up and joined! Enjoy your time here and see you around! Kn1ghtBoy
Everything is pretty good but a little too red and brightish... The render looks a little squashed but other than that its pretty decent
Lol dude I used to have the pic you have as your avvy then I deleted it on accident
lol at ur faic