Hipsters are more concerned with the appearance of liking things than actually liking things, and that's not me. Not gone, just hidden.
To grow a full beard I'd need to eat more food, which seems entirely too much effort.
"G-gh-gh-ghost scoobs!" What picture of me have you seen though? I look nothing like that.
I am sixteen going on seventeen I know that I'm naive Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet And willingly I believe
Trainspotting, Old Boy, Eraserhead, Human Centipede, Requiem for a Dream and Splice are too messed up for me to watch. I don't want nightmares.
There's nothing more straight than getting GoOey with a bunch of dudes.
I thought it might have been a hi-5, but I thought the circle was the ball of the hand or something.
What does o/ Mean? Does it represent an action, or an emotion? I don't get it.
"It's tied 6-6, and because I'm impartial, I'll decide". Funniest **** ever. It's like letting the accused sit with the jury to decide who's guilty.
I can't believe you didn't notice my infinite jest.
I shanon'ed this guy's girlfriend. Does that make me a bad person?
Hey Tusk wanna hang out?
I don't understand what that means. And yes, I am ashamed.
You'll think less of Simon Pegg and spend 110 minutes watching the movie. Which is a waste of 110 minutes and a waste of Simon Pegg adulation.
There's always Bungie's next IP, which will more than likely have a map-maker/ editor. During the last week of school we had to choose between...
That's... nice?
[spoiler][IMG][/spoiler] What film is that?
Oh yeah, Dev said to tell you he moved everything down 2 spaces. I'm not sure about any chests in that area though. Dev would replace it if it...
If you poke the bear, don't be surprised if it wakes.