I forget, what ethnicity are you again QKT?
YouTube - High Fidelity - Monday Tape Seriously, how how have you not seen High Fidelity before? It's hipster 101.
I changed the PPC title, and so far the most interesting thing that's been said has been by Grif.
I think he's trying to say I'm like Jesus.
You make no sense. Do you find her attractive?
What'd your grandparents do for a living?
Camo, you're just used to petite women that you know you can beat up because it makes you feel tough.
I really want to know what you find weird about her.
[IMG] Marry me girl.
Conversation is over-rated.
Why would/ wouldn't it be?
I did.
Have your watched 25th Hour yet?
Do you know how many birthdays there are per year? Hundreds. Literally hundreds.
I personally think Stephen Colbert would have made a much better Green Lantern.
That picture requires explanation.
[IMG] We should star in porn together.
I look like Cat Stevens and Adrian Brody's lovechild.
The PPC gets locked when people do stupid things.