As a fan of jumping I will say you did a great job on the map. All the ghost jumping, slide jumping, over jumping and everything else makes the...
Its a good map and concept, although it has been done alot. I would have built more of a map around this, I mean what you have here looks ike a...
Wow great map, very unique. I have to say i really love the design of this map, you did a great job on that Stone Henge and i love the design of...
For you first attempt at a map ever, its okay. Although i suggest if you would like to learn further look at the forging section to find out...
Hmmm... The maps looks quite interesting, although the video quality is quite bad and i suggest a capture card... Also, although you have a video...
Thats a flaoting door a placed. The thing is on Orbital when placing a door at a certain angle the door will turn completely black, its pretty cool.
old thread
Its a good idea, but to empty, it does need cover because then people can die quite easily. Also i think the kills balls seem too bright and that...
Wow, looks great. Pretty original idea and the forging of human spawn loosk great. I actually had an idea of doing something like this although...
The design of a square is pretty common... Although this is pretty good. Although its meant for KOTH slayer and oddball, this map looks like it...
Great map, version 1 was fun to play with friends, and i think version 2 will be even more fun. Love it, the whole desigb and concept of the map...
It looks quite nice, but i have a question. Did you by any chance have permission from the creator of the griffball high map to use the field of...
Hmm... Quite alot of jumps... Im going to work on a map which im going to try to post within a week... I will take some of your request but you...
Horray! You posted it. I really loved to test this with you and friends, even though we played on it for like 4 hours XD though it never got...
Sure thing, if you suggest a jump that i should put in my next version of the map chances are if its good i will put it in, so i will remember to...
Jumper: FaceOff Welcome to the newest addition to my jumping maps, Jumper: FaceOff. I got the idea for this map not long ago when i was playing...
Hi, i plan on making my first VIP map, so i dont really know laot about VIP...I just want to know if there is a way that i can make the VIP person...
Love this map. I saw and downloaded the clip preview of this map so im glad you finally released it. I love the houses on a slant, it kinda...
The map looks pretty good. Although it looks like you made the desgin off the map Lava Pit. Either way the size of the map is pretty good and it...
Well, the last jump is a bit hard considering how good you are... As i said its a rocket nade jump, but what you have to do is... Throw a plasma...