I didnt see V1 but this map looks very well forged and gameplay looks great. The walkways kinda remind me of Blackout, in fact to me the map seems...
JLG... To me is basically trick jumps and other jumps which you can make into a fun activity. I mean... I love making jump maps and i dont know...
Hey guys, just a little something I have been thinking aobut for a while. As some of you people know, HLG (Hidden League Gaming) Is starting to...
The map looks great and i can tell that you put quite some work into it. All of the turns like perfectly forged and i really think your time did...
Fro mthe looks of it the map looks pretty good. The design and layout of the map is great and gameplay looks fun. Although in the video its 1v1...
A very simple racing desgin, although you have forged this quite nicely. The forging on the map is nice and that pit in the middle is pretty cool....
Wait... So... Are those supposed to be ships? Anyways... The forging is'nt really that good and im a bit confused on the idea of the map. A basic...
It looks pretty simple... You could have put some more time into the forging like atleast merging since its such a tiny map. I also would have...
Well for your first post im glad that you have pictures unlike some others. The map also looks very well forged and the idea is good. FX on the...
Well... I have not seen the other versions of this map but by the looks of it everything looks pretty good. The center is well... A centerpiece!...
Well... Im glad that you have a video but this post is not up to standards. You need atleast 1 pic and you could atleast give a description of the...
Looks pretty nice. The idea of hammers and hills has bin used before although you have managed to forge this quite nicely and by adding nades and...
Well, i dont know what Antlion is but from the looks of it this looks pretty fun and well forged. From the looks of it the map looks like it can...
Like the other guy said 30 minutes is WY to long and i would suggest making it just i suppose 15 minutes along with 1 round. Anyways, im guessing...
I see that you made a V2... Well its much better then V1 and it looks quite better now that you have made it in the crypt. You have indeed...
Looks pretty crazy and a little bit chaotic. Rockets on the map seem to be a bit much, i wouldnt have them. Also, i would have just used the...
Finally! This got featured! I loved playing this before with friends and now that it is featured i hope that even more people will see how good...
Good idea and the maps looks good, also nice for making maps that are not on sandbox or Foundry. Although i would stick to playing Conquest since...
Well i will admit that the maps looks pretty good. Some of the spots looks a bit messy. The pics are a bit to large for my liking since i cant...
Its looks pretty fun. I dont really get osme of the stuff such as the pic saying "the middle base thing" with the laser, and if the zombies do...