Obviously we will see Lockout coming back since so many people want it, I personally can do without containment because well I hated walking...
Not necessarily I would love an outside map that is clear with foundry objects + more, really I would just like foundry objects on all maps. -Donuts
Yea I need a time zone, im in PST -Donuts
Re: Singularity - An Original Donut Map Yea I know, I spent so much time on the forge hub one I was to lazy to re-do the bungie one. I will fix...
Gunna need a little more info. I design websites though. Made this one: http://ghostsquadgs.freehostia.com -Donuts
Re: Singularity - An Original Donut Map haha Thanks AZN, will you disapprove maps also? -Donuts
Re: Singularity - An Original Donut Map Yea I fixed all the spawns and I fixed all the places where you could get stuck in the enviorment. -Donuts
Singularity A Beautiful Symmetrical experience Download: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15997352 Description: Singularity was a...
Please embedd you images using [img] You will get more downloads and comments if people dont have to click links. -Donuts
Re: 102 Steps- a zombie survival map *Caution: Alot of Screenshots* I will give it a download and see how it goes, it looks like a lot of fun....
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I have to agree me and a friend played this one for quite sometime, however he could not get over the...
HOLY CRAP I dont know why, but I tried this again. It is awesome I saw it this time for some reason. Great Job! -Donuts
photoshop FTW!! -Donuts
So are we going to schedule anything? Or is this like an impromptu type of a thing? -Donuts
I freaking love multi-team! Can anyone say warlock? -Donuts
3d pyramid type... -Donuts
I would like to see something triangular... not sure what, but I want it. -Donuts
Well it gives me something to do tonight, considering that I have nothing to do. ooo Just thought of an idea :-) -Donuts
Re: ░▒▓ Pantheon ▓▒░ *Pics/Video Inside* - ALL GAMETYPES SUPPORTED This actually looks like a really good map. I have two suggestions though. 1....
This has a kind of risk feel to it... I really like this. I may have to try it out. -Donuts