WARNING: Do not open any of these link if your have epilepsy, or history of epilepsy in your family. [spoiler]
Ofcourse! I didn't mean to sound complainy lol :P this will be Extreme win
You know you're a noob in Halo 3 if you can't NoScope. :P
Wow, that is badass.. I really want to get FC now. That probably only took like an hour to make aswell.. One bad thing about Far Cry's...
haha it was posotive rep, good things you are doing. add me to the list then :]
Heyy man, welcome :]
Dont mention it. Twas no problem
Transfusion is amazing
Indeed. Goodnight.
I've been considering that. Epic map http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/40815-transfusion.html
ehh.. I dont really want to make big jumps.. it makes it too easy for the mice as they can take advantage of them..
Haha epic. It looks like he's being electrocuted by it in the first one. I've done this glitch before. Alot of fun. If someone got a really sexy...
More Gangster Merging/[G-merging]/(Geo Merging) Extended the wallplant all the way along the back wall. Replaced dumpsters with Stairs. Geo...
I'm revisiting the original one.
Its pretty intense >.<
I never comment this thread, I just check out people's work. But I feel sorry for you (no one is C n C-ing you) :P Its.. ok.. It looks a bit too...
Yeah I didn't see Creeping Death's comment till I scrolled down. My baaad. I didn't need to report it.
Nawh I have to sleep now. Wow this guy is pretty amazing at race maps.. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/race-maps/41112-afterlife.html
The comments make me lose faith http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/41364-u-store.html
Dude your race maps are amazing