Grats on the Feature.
Grats on the feature.
Insane is the pink d00d. It looks more like he is about to fail a bicycle kick in soccer/football. That's just me though. Insane is such a celebrity
I really like it. Love it even. The epic posts above pretty much sum it all up for me. One thing that I dont really like that much however is...
Well he's accounting for the New Zealand states. Recently made a part of the USA
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. You are now 18. Congratulations. You can do alot of things legally now. (I think you can anyways, I live in new zealand, the laws...
Well you could say something similar about Valley of the Beast. But it would a stupid thing to say as, although VOTB uses a mixture of other...
Umm.. Did you read the whole thing?
Damn you floor!! D; Well.. I have experienced trouble placing weapons on the undersides of double boxes and single boxes. I place the weapon...
Swearing is bad if you don't mean it. If you mean it however, it can be excused in my books. Younger generations swear all the time and don't...
Thats just stupid. If they were do to the exact same thing to Mcain supporters. Ask them if they agree with Obama's policies (Telling the Mcain...
Oh Shi- He's back D; =] Welcome back <3 I love you
Alrighty, cya mate. And yeah I know. My parents are starting to make me study and such. So I won't have as much flexibility. But yah. We need to...
Thank you for your kind words. Yeah, the original was rather lackluster. The wall plant is my favourite part.
which one?
I did indeed. I added extra respawn points to fix this problem.
The Bridges are too low for Mongi to fit beneath it. Infact, Mongeese can drive over up the sides of the bridges in the middle.
eh, its not that great a spot to camp to be honest. The Tremor can just boost up it and dominate the mice. If they try to jump down and escape...