Do you want to adopt a cat? He can be the Bungie mascot?
Thanks everyone. Remember to visit the original thread for the rules and more information.
Haha thanks :D yeah its my first feature. What map did you think my other feature was?
:D fillr
whoa nice work. 23 babies SHOULD be enough. We can cut them in half to make them go futher if need be. I have to leave now. I have exams. I...
kay. I'll get clorophorm too/
I'll just believe in myself. that always works right?
*Runs off to kidnap stilts* Do you want me to pick up some pizza?
Darn it. Stop torturing me with excitement :> I'll need it lawl
Nooo. If we cover the stilts in babies, the zombies will bite the babies instead of the stilts
>:| Alrighty. I'll just have to wait. P.s. I'm not going to be very active for about 3 weeks. EXAMS!! :O omg omg omg I'm screwed.
nuh uh. We need to make a house on stilts. Everyone knows zombies can't jump for ****. just like white do0dz
Superb. kittens R kool
Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me Tell me
Orly? :]
Why do you hate me?
The sandwich competition is over Insane54 won.
The competition is over Insane54 won.
ohhhh hah yeah I forgot about that :] <3
:] I appreciate you. What is the reason for this win?