Well then. I'll keep doing what I'm doing. :] I've been watching your sketchup vids... Wow.
lol seriously? I actually thought I was... not that great at it. lol Thanks though. I'll be on the lookout for naughty posts.
You spelled Condense wrong. :]
I genuinely believe this could be fun to play. If everyone takes it seriously in the game. It could work out. so long as the objective gametypes...
How do you guys know? It could actually provide some fun gameplay. I think it the lines of site and the different jumps could make it a great...
Wow. You're gf is pretty cool lol. All my gf gave me was a T-shirt and a bottle opener. I use an iPod touch. It kicks ass.
Hellooo, welcome. I checked out Rainbow Road, it looks pretty good. You've got some forging talent so keep it up. Things necessary to share with...
I forgive you.
I already posted that public toilet story a few pages back :P its k though. Its epic enough that it deserves a reporst :]
:D Get a mic?!
I have a DDI acoustic guitar. I bought it from the supermarket for $70 (that's like US$35) It sucks, but its fun to mess around on :]
hehe I'm sorry :] you never know in these days of rap music, violent video games and pokemon.
Alrighty =] I believe you now.
I'm sure you can have videos over 20 seconds long... is that what you meant?
Hey there. Your signature is too big [635px × 306px] The forgehub rules mean that your signature can't be bigger than 500 x 299 Otherwise...
YouTube - All Your Base Are Belong To Us
Hey mate. I would. But I can't. Unless you want to wait a couple weeks. My xbox is out until after my exams are over. Good luck though.
You know how he does it right? He saves it every few seconds so if he makes a mistake, he just flips back a bit and does it again.
Submission is amazing. Caught my eye since I first laid eyes on it. Good job bro