why the **** you saying sorry it's not like it's my picture you're such a silly gai
third time that picture has been copy pastad since I toasted it last night
god dammit
I don't know man but I raged so hard probably just like you did when I found out the entire update is ineligible for people under 18. I'm 16 and I...
You guys don't go have to go crazy on me, I was merely trying to help out with the information I know, and the information I looked up.
youtuber is a bkkkkkkk
I love you too.
Don't talk to me like I don't know the rules.
Prepare to be bant
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudeeee
sorry to but in on your wonderful conversation but I wasn't offended at all by that pretty cool gai's first toast in that bread.
what the **** did you say to get the infraction? I lold when you said agayman I took no offense to it dude.
I lold
My last entire paragraph was me stating that I'm willing to drop this, I don't feel like stating again, but like I already said I dropped this...
I'm not even going to bother with you. I never took at as far as you did in your previous post or never acted that harshly to you. I was never...
you get that from Bwendon?
Yeah, this game has been out for at least two years now and I've still not bothered to get this achievement and it's one of the only ones I need...
Yeah that would be a totally pointless comment and would be deemed worthy of spam. wtf does downloads even mean any more, it means literally...
They're legal as long as there is legitimate proof that the user has played the map and is giving a constructive comment not based upon by the...