The pictures of halls looked cooler, so I mostly used those. Rest assured, hallways compose only about a third of this map. ;) But it's the...
It definitely looks interesting. An FFA Swords or Hammers game might work here, seeing as limiting people to close range weapons would decrease...
This map post does not meet our standards. There are no embedded images, and a very short description. We would appreciate it if you elaborated...
Thanks! The layout was changed so many times that it's not even funny. And yeah, the map is camp-erific (love the term btw). Try it out and tell...
Thanks for the feedback guys! Glad you posted here, and I hope you enjoy your time at ForgeHub RoflcopterSoiSoiSoi (awesome name too btw). I...
You got my DL simply because you used a Modest Mouse song in your video. :D
That also sums up my High Haven map that is linked in my sig. Only no mountains. Elastic barrier FTW!
Sounds like a lot of you guys would like my stuff since I make self-enclosed, asymmetric, interlocked 2-6 player Foundry maps with multiple...
Thanks for commenting guys! Glad you liked it DTL. And to The Official Y35: I left the open doubles on the floor above ground because lowering...
Link fixed. Sorry about that guys. It worked when I previewed it, but it's fixed now. :)
Looks sweet! You have my DL and Bnet bump. The walls and floors look immaculate! Great job with neatness.
Thanks guys! Hope you all like it!
Map Title: High Haven Altitude with Attitude Download Here (use default gametypes for this map) EDIT NOTE 7/10/08: I hate thread rating...
It's great that this finally got featured! Great job DTL! I always crash customs and get this map played. Everyone I've shown it to has been amazed.
Well, my backstory isn't too spectacular, so here goes. My first name starts with a D, and my last name starts with "Bo." Hence, one of my...
DS Games As for Wi-Fi DS games, let's see: Mario Kart DS Metroid Prime: Hunters (fun until the DS Action Replay came out) Diddy Kong Racing...
Awesome! Thanks XxTexasHornxX!! 'Tis much appreciated. Can't wait to try your map RunTime! Hopefully there are no aliasing problems with this...
So... I made a Forge Hub account guys! xP Great looking map RunTime, I'll check it out and maybe it'll be Bump List worthy. :O If you think it's...
Re: Combat Hall Looks cool! Definitely better than the Combat Hall remake I saw a few weeks ago (it sucked, big time, poor alignment and sloppy...