ROFL @ Radar Jammer comment. I put it on the map solely for the purpose of pissing people off. It worked!
Thanks Devinish. You rock. Rep for you. ;)
Welcome to ForgeHub! Enjoy your stay!
I actually remember hearing someone mention this a while back. Looks great, and I have it queued. :D Oh and 100th post! Woohoo!
The map is very escapable. Though I really like the curved feel to it. Good job! Next time you make a map (or if you do a v2 of this one), I'd...
Though the map does feel empty, the streets' emptiness gives the sniper its power. Don't stick large scenery in the streets, instead, place a few...
Glad you like how it looks! I put about three weeks into perfecting the geometry (minus sinking the tunnels on the bottom, that caused problems...
Devinish, that is an absolutely amazing spawn guide! But how do traits like "attackers" and "defenders" affect respawn areas? Obviously they add...
Nemi, obviously she's not doing her job if you still have the time to post this much on FH. Hell, she's not being a normal girlfriend if you still...
Yep. There's a TurboGerbil here. But he's Canadian, so he's not a real person. Anyway, good to see another literate poster on the FH forums....
Welcome to ForgeHub! Now master creativity, dammit. :P I kid, I kid. Genius is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration. Remember that, and getting...
I'm pretty sure nuns are nonviolent for the most part (with the exception of ruler-based attacks and wrist slapping, of course).
Looks... interesting. Funny story though. But someone should start out as an Arab in a secret shack behind the balcony with a Rocket Launcher.
Smuggler seems to be a Flood themed map. It's a hunch of mine. But still, a Forgeable Flood map would be SICK! Though I doubt it will happen. What...
Actually, I balanced this as fairly as I could for casual play. Maps like this wouldn't go over well at all in the Competitive section, so I said...
If being awesome is wrong, then this map went terribly terribly wrong. So terribly you could classify it as "super-terribly" or even "uber-terribly."
Come for the title, stay for the "frigit." And yeah, this should probably be moved to the aesthetics section.
Thanks for the continued support guys! I'd really appreciate it if you would all check out the Interrobang link in my sig, as that's the next map...
Yep. People will be negative and annoying wherever you go. Just learn to ignore it. Even though flame wars do work like bumps! If you want an...
Don't worry. #2 will be available in around a week or so. Depending on how much time I have available to play Halo.