In time, the land had once prospered of the fruits thy lord has bestowed upon ye, but field lay barren with the tearing of the peaceful seal. At...
Ya, srsly. Gtfo maaaaan.
And thus the story of the Ra hath begun, and hellfury was to be released upon the good people of the village once more. Shallus has taken the hand...
Bah, **** the both of you. We could've had an epic meme brewing, but nooooooo.
I love this band so ****ing much, they're the only modern band that plays original music that sounds like nothing else out there that I know of....
Way to comment on your own profile, but thanks anyways, haha.
What was the map we played after Snow Mice during TGIF? : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Game Details I can't remember, for the life of me.
Hey, can you help me with something?
I got someone to change it.
You know that time of day where everything gets dark? Yeah, I sleep then.
I spend ten minutes writing up something that read well and you come with that comment? Ignorant punk.
I have read thy palm, and I have foreseen it in a vision; a vision of bred of dark bearings and an ill omen indeed. Pigs of innocence shall weap...
Skype, now.
Oh yeah, I'm the clevar one. Woot Woot. ; )
I'm... on Skype...? Feel free to message me at any time. O__o
No. **** you.
Lolbyhouse. /discussion
Sorry, but you know the rules. Your reply was shorter than Sentinels and I'm refusing to respond to it. Haha, I'll get back to it in a bit, have...
Slayer and CTF are the only Team Supported Game types Helix is set up for, the other three are strictly FFA. In any case, I'll take care of...
My ****ing goodness, that post was epic. I'll try and answer my qualms with some of the issues you've gotten out of it to the best of my ability,...