where's ur sense of humor this evenin?
****ing lol, that thread is making me laugh too hard right now
Ya, I'ma be similar to y'all...With the whole not being here as often. I just started college, so ya.
omfg not an infraction
So....why leave? Your logic...it's confusing me.
-.- That's pretty lame. So, you're saying I should leave? Sarge should leave? TDF should leave (oh wait)?
So you are planning on leaving the site?
=O So you'll have to be back home at some point then.
How old are you again?
leave the site? as in for those 2 days, right? Also, I'm idea-less.
Some powers. && Iknowright?!
Just letting you know I'm quoting you. Also messaging you, because you promised me lulz. I have not had them, yet. I demand them. >:|
http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ-mvK96Y_U I was in shock. This guy puts me to shame, with one hand, literally.
I may have to leave at some point, but I'm down whenev.
pfft. cod4? =D
shush you =P Ya, I use uTorrent, personally.
oh ya, what's the lols about?