Ya they kinda ****ed up matchmaking on this game which is the meat and potatoes of the game. Everything else is great though and they coulda bin...
Why is this not a sticky and LMP info still is???
I already made a topic on this but not a bit like this so gj. Im def getting this game. This game is not getting the attention it deserves! And...
What about the ps2's, are they really from japan???
Vehicles: A human version of the banshee - shortsword Obviously somehow the scarab. Hornets from the movie the Island (basically jet skis that...
I'm asking for opinions if they are corrupt. I had this ideal when i saw the zeitism vid on 9/11.
If you were talking to me: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=9856418097 and how come all these old topics keep popping up?
What do you all think the goverment has bin doing behind our backs? What is going on in Area 51? This may be a dumb question but was Bush really...
hey since i let u use my gw account, can you upload all the clips from my fileshare for my montage? let me know when you do so i can change up my...
wow why would you go to like the very last page and pull out something EVERYBODY now has just to say that???
I hope microsoft doesnt decline how will i pleh my sexbox369.
"Or would you rather watch tv, within the game your playing, on your tv!?"
CANNOT disagree with that, and you wont be too addicted to it like WoW
I think the signs appear according to the date on your 360.
might wanna change the thread title to 9/11 - Setup or Terrorism Great idea. whether the U.S. government killed all those people or not, death is...
I like the sound of WTF vip even though in MM nobody protects the vip really.
I was just watching it too. It made me believe that the goverment is hiding alot of things from us. Why can't we just turn to a new source of...
Anyone getting sr2? i never played the first one but is it like gta:SA? Gta4 wasnt as great as people say it would, after you beat the game, there...
I would call him a super vigilante hero because he focuses on saving lives but spends all of his money on doing that.
Hail to the king