wow this is awesome.
I don't mind the sheild doors in team games. It requires team work to kill the people on the other side or all you have to do is have a sticky on...
I was talking about something like a nuclear explosion. But ya im ****ed if there really was going to be a black hole which now has a very small...
Ya i know its kind of weird how that is the first thing that came to mind.
one step closer to futurama
shoulda kept it as slayer
You mean Tuesday, Friday is the 4th
It just might though but it could cause the world's (including all the animal's - they will pay) demise.
So you prefer Bush over Al Gore? So many things is wrong with not letting people come to the country too. If we have a tree here and there we...
The AR is used for people to spawn with so they can protect them selves. Who ruined halo 3? Blame Stosh, or the guy who decided to make it 10...
I hope the DLC that comes out for this will be free, after all, it is user made.
I don't see why a lot of people hate jews. Ok they killed Jesus but really, most people within that region was jewish back then and it was told...
The war is the biggest bull **** ever. There was only ONE reason why we entered it and that was decided by the goverment - OIL, BLOOD FOR OIL?
The orange room looks creepy, what if your just standing there then all of a sudden a flood juggernaut grabs you by the face and pulls you into...
There was nobody protecting lincoln back then, Regan died, JFK was not killed by a white supremisist.
On this map, probably crap.
Why does everyone think Oboma would be assasinated? The only way that might happen is if the goverment was in on it. If you think white...
This sounds pretty scary, what would be the point of all this? I'm just glad I'm on the other side of the Earth if something DOES go wrong.
I think they really are, they had our soldiers invade a country for oil. The evidence of 9/11 is surely against them. People within the general...
A power weapon is something that can kill someone with emmense damage and how easily it is used. The sword you just have to push right trigger...