so thats where babies come from.
Wheres mai ms points?
Ah dam my frend woulda loved this but he comes home monday - better luck next time
side winder is on halo
They are still going to reveal something at E3, if it really was a delay, would be restored to it's old front page and the banner did...
^^^^^ I guess i overlooked it. and this isnt earth it's harvest The elites look extremely brutal in this game! | Halo 3 Video | Video | wraith mortar lands on airborne mongoose
You guys forgot about netflix. Watching steamed videos (like youtube) for free (heard that from somewhere, maybe xbl subscription pays for it) and...
All we need now is internet browsing
Wow i remember making all kinds of complex structures with this like have a big concrete thing with a tiny bit of plant in the bottom and have...
yep i bought a 360 and a game to just sit around for 15 minutes.
"They must love the smell of badass!" (from first cut scene in halo 3) "Conquered hordes of aliens, destroyed by a volleyball with a light bulb"...
I'm actually going to go with the sound of a rocket launched. It leaves a reassuring feeling that your are going to get a kill or 2.
i like it better when it's third person because you can peak around corners. OH! and there are clues for this being a reality. If you notice on...
Idk if i can go back to games that make you run 5 mph, bin playing too much ut3. But still, if it's from bungie, it has to be good. I wonder what...
Heres another song from the both of them (LP + Eminem)
Best First Person Shooter: Halo 3(series) Best Third Person Shooter: Gears of War Best Plat-former: Ratchet + Clank (series) Best Free rome/...
It's been working out for me, i was inside a base for 10 minutes gaurded by like 3 people til i accidently dropped my controler pushing the right...
Maybe the biorifle does = sticky but im getting ok at it only using the charged shots. I was playing on Suspense vCtf and this guy was about to...