Bush makes me lol.
^ If you are going to post pictures of your artwork, please give us the common courtesy of not cramming all of them into a single .jpeg. It's cute...
Your signature makes absolutely no sense, nor does it please me. I just wanted to tell you that.
I saw your blog, and am impressed with the fact that you speak clearly and talk with an educated tone. There is not much of that here, so i want...
Haha yea. I was like, "well that was hard". Then I got impaled. I was like, ZOMGWTFBBQ.
I'm going to pick up this game tonight. I think Ive played the demo over 20 times =D
Aw, Sarge has an emotional boo boo? Testing isn't against the rules, and it's not like I was just gonna let that thread sit there.
What rules? The Hub Pub isn't some strictly regulated forum. Get a grip.
Oh, I'm sorry Mr. High and mighty. It's not like I can't DELETE the thread on my own.
You need a direct link, and you need link[/ media]. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdCkUxlJPyI
Oh. My. God. I love you for posting this.
1。地窖 2。磨刀石 3。刺刀工作 4。半徑 5。迪納摩 English translation: 1. The Cellars 2. Grindstone 3. Bayonetwork 4. Radius 5. Dynamo
Es gibt keine Bilder noch stumm ein.
True.. I don't remember what the other map will be in the Mythic pack, other than Assembly. Can you tell me what the other one is? I sure as hell...
Sandtrap? Don't you mean Sandbox? XD When I get my filthy hands on Sandbox, I'll probably spend time trying to find bugs on the map to exploit...