how dya buy gifts on steam bbe?
typing. everyone can see it. it's up to you to read it. am i directing this at you? well if you're reading this, then yes, you. you.
well did you say something then?
chuck must have said no to something in some way or something.
surely it ruins the irony of your blackness? thats why i 'care'.
doesnt adonis imply youre white?
/trollflounder [IMG]
soooo anyway.... howsabout that PSN still being down? nearly two weeks now.
assuming i actually cared about what i said and what you said makes it all the better. :) ... sooooo....
stop trying to troll. hearing 'no' must be painful for you.
rusty is actually an elf. so who's negative again?
are these christmas trees still there?
rusty, you still have the xmas hat.
you've been bluffed into revealing your hand! lol. i will reiterate: internet: serious business.
n. o.
touch my toolala
im pretty drunk
im pretty drunk.
that's one irrational rationale. he's a figure head more than anything, at least parade him around like saddam? this is conspiracy inducing.