its basically theist trying to compromise with actual evidence. the say that each day was an 'age'. but these are idiots who believe in the...
so they think the earth/universe was originally made on 21st of may 0000? lol. what a ****ing stupid.
hang on, so what's the reason behind may 21st in particular is rapture day?
mk9 and la noire are good.
its already 21st of may in some countries.
does everyone speak like that there?
im sorting out my iphone atm ill be on skype when i get on the server
numberwang YouTube - Numberwang 1x01‏
yeah just allow it like 2gb ram of memory. there's a tutorial that's linked on the official website.
im on a 2008 macbook pro and i can run my server. you just need memory really, the upload is nothing if its just between a few people.
make your own.
are you using charcoal for this?
sounds like a school field trip to a science museum.
not hacked. url issue.
not mine though.
sometimes, zelda 3ds comes out e3 week.
personality comes from having free will.
true, that zelda dubstep was ****.
heehee chuckles