Hey nice with getting the pictures up. Thast sure was fast! I hope from now on you won't have any more problems here at forgehub, but if you do...
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to...
10/10, or 5/5, or 100/100, or 10/100... wait.....
Hmmm... don't really know what to say. I'm happy to see you have posted another map but... there seems to be something missing. Maybe the map is...
Well I tried your map out. It was yesterday. It was ok. It wasn't bad it is just it wasn't great. It did have a fairly functional layout, but you...
Oh lol. At first even after reading the desription I thought those screens were the whole thing. Then I realized that it broke it down by level,...
Now this... this I like! Just a solid map. Great forging. Nothing looks bad, all of the map looks so clean cut! The most beutiful part is the...
Well I still say I am very satisfied with this map. It is definately one of the cleaner maps I have played on. When you first start the game you...
Yeah that is great and all, but for the last time, stop judging before you play. And no, maps aren't all about first impression based on looks, if...
Yeah! FANTABULOUS! Final push baby, just take it to a 100!
I know I was and still am amazed by all the feedback, and we have reached over 500 downloads! w00t!
This isnt the right section. Ask a mod to have this moved to casual or mini gmaes section.
Hello new member and welcome to forgehub. As you visit this site more often, you will get used to everyone and discover what a close knit...
In the end there is no point in contuniuing this argument. Some people judge from looks, other more wisely base off gameplay, so be it.
You'll give "her" a go? Hrm.. this map is male actually...
I agree with your statement completely except... Dude Onslught sucks big time. That is one of the worst maps around, even MLG said they were very...
O God this is great! I loved the Star Wars movies, and A New Hope was my favorite! This looks so much like it! I went throguh this today and WOW...
Don't jump to conclusions. It doesnt make sense to rate a map so great like this badly wihtout playing it. I would give it an 8/10. Great layout,...