Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to...
Well frankly I don't give a crap. Well, that is just to bad if it does that or not. Plus for now I am not open to excepting any more speculation...
Please for the love of God, these comments are worthless to me! I would rather you spit in my face than spam my thread... I now know how Mallet...
usually I don't really go for the whole"artificial organic feeling floor" thing on Foundry, but this has me spinning the other direction. It just...
It is a good thing you reminded me because i had actually planned on commenting on this map... I did my forge through yesterday. It was a pretty...
Lol, caught and pwnt!
My two favorite parts of the map... One being using the DEATH RAY, a.k.a the sentinel beam. And two, I love how you put wire spools on the trucks...
I'm not saying it is against the rules or anything, but you probably shouldn't post two maps at once. It is better to space your map threads out...
Oh, didn't you realize I stole it from you... Anyway, I didn't make this the entire time you were gone. I think you were off for about a month or...
Hmm... I like that curved structure with the columns with the little platform above it. It looks remarkably similar to mine. The map looks alot...
meh, I love how they look PERSONALLY. and the only effects I usd were Pen and Ink + Juicy...
jedwali is an African village smart one. The first screen is even from the manifest found In game on Foundry. And actually you are the first one...
No More Posts Beeyatches!!!
"This looks like a really good Rat's Nest map!" And that is only what I thoguth at first! I actually didn't know what to think at the beginning,...
How about no. That is my brother, Jacob. Deleting him would be like delting my brother.... oh wait ya, go ahead.