That's great and all, but only for your subsequent maps? What about future maps? That comment, to me, is slightly confusing... Yeah, heard that...
Lol, I haven't fixed the weapon holder cause it doesn't need fixing... lol.
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to...
Wow, thanks for sucha great review. I have been waiting for it for some time. I completely agree with you on your criticisms, and will make sure...
So far I am liking what I am seeing. Your pics are giving me, so far, a good impression. But, really I would appreciate it if you added more...
Yeah, one of my favorite parts as well is the Hexagonal structure. Go ahead and incorporate it, it isn't like the idea belongs to anyone. And no,...
Total awesomeness dude! It's great that an newer member, one that I know even, posted a solid map from the Legendary DLC. Sometimes Foundry maps...
Wow. I don't really know why you don't enjoy making maps like this. I did my forgethrough today, and I thought it was great. It looked fanatastic...
I was actually pretty dissapointed in this map. It looked great from the screenshots, but actual gameplay told a different story. I do admit, the...
Your post is great and all, but your images are a little small. It appears that you used the thumbnail when instead you should use the full size...
Map Name: MLG R3imagine Author: haruki jitsunin Reviewed by: Brute Captain Enjoyment: 9/10 This map is definately one of my favorites. At first...
Wow...! I usually don't go for Avalanche maps, most of the time because they lack origniality and creativity. But, I was very pleasantly surprised...
I'm glad that you have given me the benefiet of the doubt. But, even so, as you have said you haven't played it yet, so you should probably wait...
Well I'm not sure about those horrid mispellings but I remeber you helped me test it. I guess you like the lift so much cause you were the first...
Yeah, I really like astechis too.. but what I'm really interested in is good aesthetics. I mean, I agree that Foundry is great and all. This map...
Well this definately looks like one of the stronger maps coming from a junior member of the community. Much cleaner than many out there right now....
I don't know, I just think they look cool on top of merged boxes. I originally got the idea from Matty's Reflex. Yeah thanks, and I just love...
It is great you have taken the time to make an awesome Avalanche map but could you please change your thread title to only that of your mpa's...
Yes! You fixed it! Now you all can rest assured I will not be cheating and getting outside the map anymore, unless I find out how.....?
I played this today with you (the maker), and I was satisfied. It honeslty is a nice humble map with it's own little charms. It plays fairly well...