From another forum:
It's not just Xplay, Game Informer said it's their #1 anticipated title of '09. There are others as well.
I will as well, however, I considered the "dry part" of GTA to be up until you saved roman from some thug in the park. That's when I really...
Oh god. They completely ruined Carry On My Wayward Son. Why would you post that?
I can't tell you how many games would have done well if they "did it right." Fact is, most don't.
Fist one looked aweful. I saw gameplay for this one, and it actually looks legit.
Alot of those are opinion. I've only played Halo 3, and I don't remember any Library level... In AC, I actually enjoy the build up to the...
Well then, perhaps I've misunderstood what you were getting at. It's hard to tell where people are really coming from on a forum, because you...
I'm doing pretty good. Kids are locked in the basement, so you know, the usual.
I think it would warrant a rent. Nothing great by any means, but I suppose their is fun to be had.
I never said that others aren't allowed to like the game, I just said that I don't understand why people would like it better than some of the...
I played a game for a set amount of time, and I did not like it. Is that wrong? No. It is solely my opinion. Sure, like you've said, I may not...
I don't think the game looks particularly bad, I just don't see how anyone would consider it better than some other games like MW2, Uncharted 2,...
I worded it strangely. It was more of a "How do you like Prototype?"
Are you telling me that I you understand my emotions more than I do, and that I really did like the game, I just think I didn't? If I played a...
I played it for about an hour or so. If it hasn't impressed me by then, the developers haven't done their job. And no, I can name plenty of games...
For your information, I have played it. I haven't played much but I played a little bit of it at a friend's house. And yes, it was very average.
lol, touché.
I'm sick and tired of hearing about how awesome Brutal Legends will be. "Dude, you can kill people with an axe and a guitar, and it's Jack Black,...
They never released a demo because they knew people would be disappointed. I knew it'd be average. It'll still sell alot, just because they paid...