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It would have been much more emotional without the hilariously creepy video. The Kanye song was actually very good, although not really sad....
Because people enjoy it. People do what they enjoy.
You and I are using the same wallpaper.
Oh, yes. GH:M is awesome as well. One of the best GH games yet, actually.
Alright, I've been playing it alot today, and I have to admit... I love it. Something about going back through these songs... It's great because...
Oh, sure. Haven't put the old Halo disc in in a while, so I'll be a little rusty. Add me. GT: Shatakai
MULG? Wazzat?
You called?
Lurn 2 tipe fastr nooob .
The song maker being complete and utter **** is old news.
Slider Bar is just fine if you want to get used to it. Most people do not want to take the time to get used to it, however.
I'll be at a friends house til wednesday. See ya.
Youtube isn't creating a false reality. They are saying to the world "We do not condone this type of behavior."
That's exactly what I was wondering. And were those scissors he was using near the end?
I counter your "Dude flips the f*ck out on coworker" with: YouTube - Worst Office Freak Out Ever
O.O That was a pretty badass hijack, Insane.
Oh, that's rough. I remember once when my GL's account got hacked. They stole everything in the bank and stripped every single character on her...
Alright guys, tough question: Mythic Maps or BF1943 I can only buy one for right now, and I'm leaning towards the maps.