Yep, you're right. I was thinking of this nearly identical thread.
I thought CombatGamer was giving you some for free.
I've been thinking about this alot lately. I've decided that, as of now, I'm planning on getting a degree as a software engineer, which software...
I always had trouble understanding the Star Wars plot, but now I think I finally understand what Obi Kanobi was getting at XD YouTube - Star Wars...
This is a pretty worthless argument, so let's just leave it that.
No, I'm well aware of that guitars price because I just happen to own one of the same brand. Schecter guitars (which his looks like a Hellraiser)...
I really doubt he had his parents buy a truck just so he could destroy it with a bat. And, in another video, he breaks a $600 guitar. Nobody would...
Games that have an "Invite all friends" button. I'm looking at you GoW2. Games that DON'T have an achievement tracker. One of my favorite and...
Why yes, yes I will.
Pretty old video, but yes, very stupid. YouTube - Guy Screws Up 1st Question on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Has anyone else looked into this game? I've been hearing just terrific things about the game, and IGN's score of a 9/10 just assured me that I...
It's not.
Ask parents if they changed it. Try Admin1 for both of them. So see if it is UN: Admin PW: Admin1 UN: Admin1 PW: Admin UN:Admin1 PW: Admin1...
No problem.
But I don't make sigs... Thanks though!
Would someone please be so kind as to provide me with the second to top stock in the preview. That's the only one I want.
Yeah, that guy is definitely better for this sig. I'm just saying that if I had made a sig I would have made it revolve around that other guy and...
I don't think the Manip was supposed to show great skill, but more show a point through creativity. IKEA products are notorious for being hard to...
Once again, I love that stock for some reason. I would have made the guy on the right the focal, though. Awesome face.