Oh, it looked like it opened outwards. Thanks.
Scopulus! Where you been?
I don't know about anybody else, but I think Pokemon with guns would kick ass :P
No problem. It's an awesome cover, I'm just throwing my 2 cents in.
I would crop it out some so there isn't so much negative space in the top right. It's good that it's off center, but it seems there's too much...
Meh, I don't have high expectations for the anime. Waypoint though, that sounds like something I'd like.
Well that would make sense. Guild Wars didn't have that long lasting appeal like WoW did for me. But idk, I might give this Aion a try. Which,...
How did they make it fall inwards?
WoW? This looks exactly like Guild Wars. You ever play Guild Wars? This is like identical.
What do you do? How do you progress through the game to higher levels?
PC? I'm aware. I just stated them because this thread is about deciding between and 360 and PS3.
That's exactly my point in layman's terms.
You went for lighting and text, but nothing else? That random line of light through the text detracts from the text and there's too much negative...
That's what most religions believe.
Left 4 Dead 2? Splinter Cell: Conviction? Crackdown 2? Forza Motorsport 3? Mass Effect 2? I'll agree that PS3 has great exclusives coming up soon...
We were expecting a price drop at E3, but that never happened.
I've never really contemplated my own death before. They way I think about it is this: There's no way to prepare for death, more than likely I...
Talk to Microsoft.
Amoeba, wha's yo ID, I wants to play witchu :D
Killzone 2? Resistance 2? Sound familiar. Graphics are better in games, but I personally don't really care all that much. Online is free which is...