tell me wen ur online
Too small 2/5 didnt look like it took you much time. Gamplay looks sad 2/5 but ok.
Look like a cool map 5/5 well made, i like the river and the waterfall in the middle that always make a map look cool. Gamplay looks fun. Good job...
Looks cool 3/5 i like how you have to get up to that tower theres a little bit of the fence wall that you have to walk up that curves around the...
Look at my 2v2 Practice Thread. [IMG]
Looks like a cool race track 5/5 because its on blackout. Best race map i have ever seen on blackout and the only one. I like the down curving...
Hey looks mor of a maze 4/5 but doesnt look like a competitve map its looks like gamplay is bad could be hard to find people but anyway nice forging.
Sorry i removed everything because it was dumb
List your top 3 Maps that have your Favorite switches in them. The top 3 will be played by anyone who wants to and be brought into forgehub...
Matty- Matty made his map called reflex and i thought thatwas the coolest well thought out map ever thanks to matty. Bl00d F1R3- Bl00d F1R3...
Hey can you make this [IMG] into a small rectangle with these pictures into a slideshow for my sig. i want there to be just one rectangle...
Hey no spam posting you spammer i saw ur spam post
Hello everyone i am wondering how to make this [IMG] into a small rectangle box that has slides of diffrent pictures for my signature...
Everyone I need a Partner In Team Doubles, I am looking for some with a good Battle Rifle, or a sniper, Gamertag: "A SouthPark Kid" Rank:" 32....