image shack? i use that too and cant get any of that cool efects.
welll put together nice interlocking, but i have a question cant the moles just pop out go the side and kill the non infected.
Matty looks like hes on Vacation
looks like a cool map 3/5 well put together i think it could be fun for slayer
if i go on vacation starting monday (tommorow) for 1 week will i still be able to sign up for 2v2?
Hey this isnt really a causual map 1/5 put it in atheticle doesnt meet the standars 1/5 for post. Dont wory i know your new.
are you making any new maps?
how do you do it?
Hey are you gettin my pic
Hey what image host do you use (image shack etc)
Hey now that im a guerilla i cant get 10 post to rank up now ho much do i have to get
Doesnt meet the standars this is going to be locked and closed, you have pics and a download link.
Wouw a 1 story mansion coolest map i have ever seen Not this is bad 1/5 sorry it doesnt look like a "Mansion"
Looks cool and fun 5/5, i like how you made it so it looks like there is water flowing through tubes.
Hey Awsome map 5/5, very weel thought through and well written description 5/5 for Description.
Sorry no dl 2/5 i cant tel what it is gamplay looks sad :(, Also you should change the name it doesnt "catch on" in my opinion, Looks like a thing...
Looks origonal like reguler foundry looks fun 3/5 not that special but gamplay looks fun.
Hey Theta can you give people a rep
Hey can you give people a rep (good or bad)
You know the little green bars right above where its says ranger for you thats your rep