how do you become respected?
you should change all the new effects its getting out of hand and crazy, everthing is hard to read. Overall it was a bad thing that forgehub had...
Hey where is the pic you finished for me?
Looks cool 5/5 but you should add more pictures, and everyone seems to be taking onslaught's idea for a map.
Looks awsome 5/5 nice interlocking 5/5, i see you like MLG Onslaught, i can tell you got the base of your map from onslaught, but anyway good job....
Looks ok 2/5 sorrry no DL to plain, you could add some more stuff by the bases way to plain for me.
looks pretty fun 3/5 nice interlocking 5/5 for interlocking gamplay looks fun nice designing.
Looks fun 4/5, Very well done interlocking 5/5 for interlocking. Gameplay looks like alot of fun good job. Keep Forging!
Not really a competitive map, in other words its the JunkYard (you ptoblably spent 5 minutes on this). Bad map 1/5 no Dl sorry but its just a review.
Matty i hate the new stuff
Everyone im back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im gone for 1 week Bye Bye
hey i thought you would know can i change my 2v2 partner?
please respond
I luv his sigshe makes really good ones
Looks an awsome map nice banked turns 5/5 for everything, looks fun not one of those maps that are small and can only hold one person in the lane...
Looks like a fun map 5/5 awsome first turn also the other stuff looks "sick" nice interlocking 5/5, Keep Forging!
Looks like a small but fun map 3/5 gamplay looks fun.
Awsome map 5/5, it was well thought out and has alot of creativity. Nice interlocking, Also i like the teleporters :)
Hey dont copy and paste pictures off bungie, you have to upload them them to an image host (imageshack etc.) Then get the direct link. Just ask...